Troll Warlord: My axes thirst!

Troll Warlord Script

Version: 2.0
Repository: Eroica-cpp/dota2scripts
Source: Troll.lua


  • Auto swap to melee while moving. When attacking, auto swap to range if the target is out of melee's attack range, otherwise swap to melee.
  • One key (default: W) to cast Whirling Axes (Melee).
  • One key (default: E) to cast Whirling Axes (Ranged).
  • It will change to previous form after casting. For example, if you're in ranged form and press W, it will: change to melee form -> cast melee whirling axes -> change back to ranged form
  • You probably need to bind your previous W and E to other keys.

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